Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Neglect =[

ive been terribly neglecting my blog. im sorry for those who follow me. hopefully i will be motivated to start posting more interesting things soon :P

Monday, May 9, 2011

Women Of Mortal Kombat Contest - Mileena

I came across a make up contest from a youtuber that i subscribed to a looooong time ago, but she didnt do videos for about 6 months. She and another youtuber (PINKYBOO80) were hosting a make up contest with a Motal Kombat theme. It seemed really fun so i decided to enter. I even planned ahead a few days in advance with some face charts. :] Currently, Im the only entry in the contest. maybe if no one else enters I'll win bother categories ahha. But I would prefer to win for my efforts on this look since it took me a LOONG time to create and edit. :]
Heres my Video of the Look

I need to update this :p

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Birds of Paradise Inspired Make up

So I'm going to try to do more contests on youtube as I discover them because i really enjoy doing looks for them. Its also a bit easier for me to come up with a look rather than sitting around and wasting my face charts with failures haha. My friend on youtube, Sarah AKA adorabubbles on youtube, had a nail entry for mymommylovesmakeup's earth day contest. So I decided to enter the make up categories :D

Friday, April 15, 2011

Rupauls Drag Race! - Mariah Balenciaga l Inspired Make Up

I wasn't sure about what look I wanted to today. So I looked through some of my inspiration photos and decided to finally do another Mariah Balenciaga Inspired look. This one is from the Drag Queens in Outer Space episode. In this episode Mariah played the Role of "Booberella"  :D And i loved her make up. I hope you enjoy it =] 

Abstract Dramatic Make Up

So last Friday my dance team and I performed at a Drag Show at the local  University here in Stockton. We performed last year and i LOVED it but this year's was sorta boring. I had the best make up there(and when I say 'best' I mean i spent the most time on.) Hehe. So I chose to recreate the look for you. Enjoy.
*waiting to perform at the show*
 My Video Demonstration

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Katy Perry E.T. (futuristic lover) Music Video Inspired Make Up

     So when I first saw the video for Katy Perry's Latest Single, E.T. (futuristic Lover), I immediately fell in love with it. The special effects in that video were top notch and it looked very high budget. The Make up alone was amazing. I had watched some make up tutorials on youtube from the previews of the video, so I chose to do a look that I didn't see recreated yet on youtube. And I admit I rushed to do this look before everyone else did. hehe.
My video tutorial: