Monday, March 28, 2011

SuckerPunch! - Baby Doll Inspired Make Up

I went to the movies with my Dad on Saturday to see SuckerPunch. I had been waiting for it to be released for a long time so I was excited, but then I heard that it got bad reviews so I was pretty disappointed. But We went to go see it anyway. I have NO idea why people didnt like this movie. It was Amazing. Visually stunning. Very inspiring too. Lots of pretty girls with make up. :)  So I decided to do a few videos based on some of the girls. Starting with the hero,BabyDoll, Emily Browns character in the movie. Her make up is very simple. Its basically a defined crease and a winged eyeliner with OBVIOUS false lashes. A simple clean natural look (despite the lashes =P).

My Video Tutorial

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